Promoting ASD Success in Mainstream Education

Every child deserves the chance to grow and develop in school to the best of their ability.  

Unfortunately, for many children with high-functioning ASD, this can be quite challenging.  Moreover, if the child is intellectually advanced or gifted yet socially challenged, finding a school where they can thrive becomes almost impossible.

 While special education programs provide much-needed therapies, they are not usually geared to students with average or above-average intelligence.  On the other hand, the average local school cannot accommodate the distinct social and emotional needs of children with ASD.

 Yet mainstreaming children with ASD has proven to be quite beneficial.  Not only can they study in a grade-appropriate setting; they can also learn normative behavior and social skills from their peers.  However, this necessitates both the parent and the school to provide extensive intervention.

 The Israeli Educational Ministry supports this initiative by providing a סל אישי – allotment of services – which provides partial financial assistance for supplementary services. Yet the technicalities & red tape involved are often difficult and time-consuming, preventing parents and schools from managing or implementing the process.

Here’s where Yachdav can help

  • What We Do

    Yachdav Yisrael coordinates a team of professionals and advocates to facilitate the mainstreaming and integration of ASD children into the appropriate school of their choice.
    We provide support for both the school and families to successfully integrate their child, without overburdening the school.

  • Support

    Yachdav Yisrael provides an Informative call-center, with experienced professionals to guide parents from start to finish finding the right schools, therapists, social workers, social groups, and other support options for each child.

  • Case Managers

    Case managers to assist children in mainstream schools, chadarim, and yeshivos.

    o Assist parents and schools with the paperwork and technical details to secure funding from the Education Ministry.

    o Oversee the child’s therapies and facilitate communication with the schools.

    o Identify appropriate therapists, social groups and other solutions to promote success.

    o Facilitate networking with other case managers, to streamline efforts and achieve maximum success for each child.

    o Provide parental support and build a network of parents who can work together to obtain expanded options for their children

  • Network

    A growing network of families with children who have HFASD so we can:

    o Demonstrate the need for more “high level” kita tikshoret – classes for children with social disabilities.

    o Advocate for more resources and continued support as our children advance to Yeshivos and beyond.

    o Create support groups for parents, siblings and other family members.

    o Establish social and extra-curricular groups for boys